星期日, 5月 29, 2005


我的執著和硬頸就同老爸無異; 某程度的工作狂我想都是遺傳自媽,可是我不想跟她一樣捱出腎石來...
自從搬出來住之後,有很多個晚上都發夢跟家人在一起,多數都是可怕、憤怒和不開心的,偶爾會有開心的,可是十個夢之中都沒有兩個。我在夢入面滿是害怕、不安和悲傷來面對佢地,很想有人告訴我發那些夢代表什麼,是太掛念還是無法忘掉之前的恐懼? 如果要我而家親自面對我爸,我想我必不好受,**事實根本承受不了。



At 10:45 下午, 5月 29, 2005, Anonymous 匿名 said...

云, 我想你別再太執?了, 我倆也有一個不好的爸, 但我想現在大家也不用跟他一起生活已算是好運了! 現在面對不了的, 不用強迫自己去面對! 人大了, 想法自然會不同, 到時再想怎麼做吧! 何苦要自己活在痛苦的回憶中? 我想, 你選擇搬出來, 也是為了令自己生活得快樂一些吧? 為何做到了, 但又硬要把自己困在痛苦中? 人生苦短, 為何不活得快樂一點呢??

At 7:28 下午, 5月 30, 2005, Anonymous 匿名 said...

dreams are always opposite to reality!!! when you feel bad about it, it means luck! when it's sweet, it means bad! OH! just face your dad la :D

At 11:31 下午, 5月 31, 2005, Blogger 陳花 said...

嘈, 我想你是全宇宙最懂得安慰人的人了!

At 11:53 下午, 5月 31, 2005, Blogger 陳花 said...

nick, do u think u leave yr name as"林力奇" in the future is better?only i will call u the name!! hahaha~~~XDDD
i will happy if dreams really opposite to reality.
i just wanna tell u ,i meet him once in the end of last yr, but he pretent didn't see me!
what is a reality?!X
my mather said he really can't identify me at the time...!! and ask my mum :"i just guess who is the girl beside u"
what is a reality??:-/
but pls don't worry, i am not angry at all now, i don't care.

i don't mind telling u those things, as they are past, like the title i wrote on this blog "everything will flow", it's from the passage of 三毛, it's always sad when talking about this sentence,really love her die!

anyway,i am happy u leave yr message on those topic!:)

At 11:58 上午, 6月 01, 2005, Anonymous 匿名 said...

云, 其實安慰人的同事, 也在安慰和鼓勵自己, 積極生活下去呢! 你也不必勉強去做這些事了, 我總覺得, 呢o的事, 到最後都會自己有所發展的, 不必刻意去想, 刻意去做!
對自己好一點, 也是對身邊的人好一點的做法!! 努力!

At 12:44 上午, 6月 02, 2005, Anonymous 匿名 said...


At 2:46 上午, 6月 02, 2005, Blogger 陳花 said...


At 2:32 上午, 6月 03, 2005, Anonymous 匿名 said...

呵呵, 咁又係喎, 如果有得揀, 我都想揀琪琪同任達華, 父母咁愛,小朋友一定幸福的!!!

At 12:32 上午, 6月 04, 2005, Anonymous 匿名 said...


if i can choose. i wanna come from nowhere.
or boom from a stone?
i am just myself.
my mother ... when talking about me good at drawing, she will say cox me have her blood.
when me do bad thing, my ma will say i have my father's blood.

At 3:25 上午, 6月 04, 2005, Blogger 陳花 said...


At 3:26 上午, 6月 04, 2005, Blogger 陳花 said...


At 6:48 下午, 6月 05, 2005, Anonymous 匿名 said...


it's not right on me.
i have no free.

i can just feel what is freedom when i in cafe or in bath room.

At 12:18 上午, 6月 06, 2005, Blogger 陳花 said...




At 1:39 上午, 6月 06, 2005, Anonymous 匿名 said...

oh dear karen, thx for your words!
"這樣我的臉也會因為這樣而添上光彩!" HOW TOUCHING !!!
um .. maybe i can say...no matter how are my papa and mama, i both poor.
as the art making people are all poor.
they got the great sadness.. but no happy..

if one day i move out, that's just for wanna be no noisy...as here really too noisy. they are not bad people..

ah ... every human born with their very own time and space.. that is human right... i think



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