星期二, 7月 05, 2005


聽日又開始返工了, 真有點不開心, 只是有點吧!
今次的是一份散job, 不過都要去別人的公司做,同返工一樣, 這個job返二十日,但都要返到8月頭....有d冇心機....
朋友說我好似成日都有工返, 這邊說不做, 另一邊又可以上班了。可能這都是我的路,兜兜轉轉。不過其實我也挺喜歡周圍轉工,每一個地方都給我不同的工作經驗,而且每次都會認識新同事新朋友, 實在很不錯的! 所以大家不用擔心, 我說有點不開心只是因為又要離開自由的日子一排了罷了。


At 11:45 下午, 7月 05, 2005, Blogger Zanjo said...


At 1:56 下午, 7月 06, 2005, Anonymous 匿名 said...

^^唔知點解, 我總是覺得你是不適合`朝九晚五'的人~
不過, 知道你暫時有新工返, 又會矛盾地覺得安心些.
怎樣也好啦, 你有什麼新消息要告訴我哦, 工作順利~

At 3:03 上午, 7月 07, 2005, Anonymous 匿名 said...

hey i see you not happy working there, so ask ask freddy will they want a freelance.( at that time both freddy and i not sure,really need a freelancer or not, they just move to new office, still busy and all the things not yet settle down)
but when you hear i help you ask, you show you want it and ask me blow freddy for 2 times, it make me feel you really want a job.
and also you always say want to save $.

but after you got the job, you never say you happy. always say this not good that not good.
did you ever think think me ?

now what i am ? a low-b! make you lost freedom, make you work. all me too silly to help.

At 10:54 下午, 7月 07, 2005, Anonymous 匿名 said...

又返工, 都好啦, 返o下放o下囉! 我今個星期, 超多野做, 日做夜做, 就來眼都打唔開了!!!!



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